Date: 09:20-10:00, Monday, March 23, 2009
Venue: FIT Building 1-315, Tsinghua University
Title: Some recent results and some open problems concerning solving infinite duration games.
Speaker: Peter Bro Miltersen
Peter Bro Miltersen received his PhD in Aarhus University in 1993. Now he is professor in Aarhus University. He is principal investigator of the Center for Algorithmic Game Theory, funded by The Carlsberg Foundation. He is associate editor of ACM Transactions on Computation Theory. In this quarter, he is teaching Optimization.
We describe three recent results on solving two-player, zero-sum, infinite duration games. Each result is accompanied by an open problem. The talk will touch upon joint work with Daniel Andersson, Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen, Thomas Dueholm Hansen, Vladimir Gurvich, Michal Koucky, and Troels Bjerre Sorensen.


