Title: Hashing and the New Multicore AlgorithmITCS |
Name: Nir Shavit Tel-Aviv University , Israel |
Time:October 13th (Monday) 16:45-17:30 | |
Location: Lecture Hall, FIT Building, Tsinghua University | |
Host Unit: ITCS, Tsinghua University |
As multicore machines become our mainstream computing platform, their unique architectural properties such as synchronization operations and coherent caches are forcing us to rethink our basic algorithms. The result is a flurry of activity in the concurrent algorithmITCS.
This paper will present concurrent hashing as an example of this new research wave. We will show two new high performance multicore hash-table algorithms: split-ordered hashing and hopscotch hashing. These algorithms are examples of how the new hardware has necessitated alternative algorithmic approaches, and how in turn these new algorithmITCS carry into the sequential world.
Nir Shavit received a B.A. and M.Sc. from the Technion and a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University, all in Computer Science. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher at IBM Almaden Research Center, Stanford University, and MIT, and a Visiting Professor at MIT. He joined the computer science department at Tel-Aviv University in 1992 and was at various periods since 1999 a Member of Technical Staff at Sun Microsystems Laboratories. Prof. Shavit is the past Chair of the ACM PODC and SPAA conferences, a recipient of the Israeli Industry Research Prize in 1993, and of the ACM/EATCS Godel Prize <http://sigact.acm.org/prizes> in Theoretical Computer Science in 2004.