Time:Sept. 25, 2012 (Tuesday)
Location:FIT 1-315, Tsinghua University

With the fast economy growth, China is experiencing a historically unprecedented surge of urbanization. With this trend, one billion people will live in urban centers by 2025 and there will be 221 cities having more than one million inhabitants – compared with 35 in Europe today – of which 23 cities will have more than five million people. Urbanization along current trends will imply major pressure points for many cities including the challenges of securing sufficient public funding for the provision of social services, and dealing with demand and supply pressures on land, energy, water and the environment.

To mitigate these pressures, because the fundamental infrastructures and city resources cannot be increased quickly, a basic solution is to increase the overall productivity of the urban system via information and communication technologies (ICT), so as to enable the “smart cities”. As we all know, urban performance currently depends not only on the city’s endowment of hard infrastructure (physical capital), but also, and increasingly so, on the availability and quality of knowledge communication and social infrastructure (intellectual and social capital). The later one is decisive for urban competitiveness and urban productivity.

Smart city is a system of systems. What kind of ICTs should be created to support the emerging “Smart City” initiatives? We suppose that the developed technologies should be intelligent, have the ability to scale out easily, meet the requirement of real-time systems, and bridge the gap between the cyber world and the physical world. To develop this kind of technologies, the input from both the academic world and industrial world could be badly required. We plan the workshop, and are willing to invite and unite professors, researchers from the above two together to discuss the potential opportunities for intelligent technologies for Smart Cities.

The topics of the workshop include but not limited to the following: smart sensing, distributed controlling technologies, Policy Research in Energy Area, Game Theory, Complex and real-time system research, Cooperative Objects.

Invited Speakers

The workshop will also has poster and demo session to show and discuss the newest research results in this area.

The workshop is supported by IIIS Tsinghua University and NEC Labs. China