
The programme consists of exciting topics that are mainly from quantum information and quantum computation. While they are not usually covered in undergraduate courses in computer science and electrical engineering, but are nevertheless accessible to talented students without much preparation.

No background beyond basic mathematics (linear algebra, calculus, discrete mathematics) will be assumed, although some familiarity with algorithms and quantum information is usually helpful.

Schedule at a glance:

20 Jan (Fri) 21 Jan (Sat) 22 Jan (Sun) 23 Jan (Mon) 24 Jan (Tue)
9:30 Welcome & announcement Sydney excursion
10:00 Yuan Feng and Mingsheng Ying Runyao Duan Zhengfeng Ji
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Arrival of guests from China Xiongfeng Ma Ran Duan Group Presentation
16:00 Problem Solving
18:00 Closing dinner

Each lecture lasts about 2 hours, with a 15-minute break in between.

Click on the titles of the lectures for more information.

21 Jan:

Foundations of Quantum Programming

Prof Mingsheng Ying and Prof Yuan Feng

Introduction to Quantum Cryptography.

Asst Prof Xiongfeng Ma

22 Jan:

Zero-Error Communication in Quantum World, Noncommutative Graphs, and (Quantum) Lovász Numbers

Prof Runyao Duan

Basic vertex update dynamic structures

Asst Prof Ran Duan

23 Jan:

How to generate, compare and verify pure quantum states

Prof Zhengfeng Ji