Note from the PC on poster submissions

From October 5 (submission deadline for contributed talks) to November 9 (notification of acceptance for contributed talks), the EasyChair server will be closed to submissions.

The server will be re-opened to additional poster submissions during the period November 10-16. (Previous submitted abstracts labeled as “talk, if not accepted then poster” or “poster only” do not need to be re-submitted; they will automatically be considered for posters.)

Abstract submission for contributed talks

Contributed talks at QIP are intended to be representative of outstanding recent research contributions to the theory of quantum information and computation. Submissions to QIP for talks should consist of an extended abstract of at most 3 pages, containing a non-technical, clear, and insightful description of the results and main ideas, their potential impact, and their importance to quantum information and computation. (Extended abstracts should not consist of a compressed version of a full paper, but instead should facilitate an intuitive understanding of the research results they represent and help the program committee in assessing their importance.)

Extended abstracts must be submitted in PDF format, and be typeset in single-column form with reasonable margins and font size at least 11 points. The 3 page limit on submissions does not include references. Submissions deviating from these guidelines may be rejected without consideration of their merits.

In addition to the extended abstract, each submission must refer to a technical version of the work, either posted to an online repository, such as, or included with the submission as an attachment. (Referral to an online repository is strongly preferred.) The program committee will consider technical versions of submissions at its discretion only.

Abstract submission for posters

Poster submissions should consist of an extended abstract following the same guidelines as for contributed talk submissions. A referral to a technical version is not required for poster submissions.

Instructions for submissions

All submissions must be made electronically through the online submission system EasyChair.

To submit an abstract please login at the webpage

(EasyChair account needed)


Submission deadline for talks: October 5, 2012
Notification for talk submissions: November 9, 2012
Submission deadline for posters: November 16, 2012
Notification for poster submissions: November 26, 2012

Program committee

Salman Beigi (IPM)
Gilles Brassard (Université de Montréal)
Andrew Childs (University of Waterloo)
Matthias Christandl (ETH Zurich)
Toby Cubitt (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Michał Horodecki (University of Gdańsk)
Tsuyoshi Ito (NEC Laboratories America, Inc.)
Stephen Jordan (NIST)
Troy Lee (CQT, National University of Singapore)
Norbert Lütkenhaus (University of Waterloo)
David Perez-Garcia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
David Poulin (Université de Sherbrooke)
John Preskill (Caltech)
Barbara Terhal (RWTH Aachen)
John Watrous (University of Waterloo)(chair)
Mark M. Wilde (McGill University)
Bei Zeng (University of Guelph)