Tentative Program

Workshop Brochure.[PDF(1.8MB)].

  Jan. 7
Jan. 8
Jan. 9
09:00-10:15  Session 1Session 4Session 7
10:15-10:45Group Photo
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
10:45-12:00Session 2Session 5Session 8
14:00-15:30RegistrationSession 3Session 6Session 9
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-17:00Panel 1Panel 2Panel 3

Friday January 8, 2010
09:00-09:15Welcoming CommentsRoom 1-315, FIT Building
09:15-10:15 Session 1
Chair: Oded Goldreich
Title: Testing by Implicit Learning [slide]
    Rocco Servedio
Title: Testing (subclasses of) Linear Threshold Functions
    Kevin Matulef
10:15-10:45Group Photo + Coffee Break
10:45-12:00Session 2
Chair: Avrim Blum
Title: Testing Juntas and Function Isomorphism[slide]
    Eric Blais
Title: Hierarchy Theorems for Property Testing [slide]
    Michael Krivelevich
12:00-14:00LunchWenjin Hotel
14:00-15:30Session 3
Chair: Bernard
Title: A Survey on Property Testing in the 'Underlying Graph' or 'Massively Parametrized' Model[slide]
   Ilan Newman
Room 1-315, FIT Building
Title: Transitive-Closure Spanners with Applications to Monotonicity Testing [slide]
    Sofya Raskhodnikova
Title: Testing Euclidean Spanners [slide]
    Christian Sohler
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-17:00Panel 1 On the connection of Property Testing to Computational Learning Theory and Computational Geometry
   Avrim Blum, Bernard Chazelle, Rocco Servedio
18:00-20:00DinnerWenjin Hotel

Saturday January 9, 2010
09:00-10:15Session 4
Chair: Shafi Goldwasser
Title: Invariance in Property Testing [slide]
    Madhu Sudan
Room 1-315, FIT Building
Title: Testing Linear-Invariant Non-Linear Properties [slide]
   Victor Chen
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:00Session 5
Chair: Michael Saks
Title: Testing Linear Invariant Properties [slide]
    Asaf Shapira
Title: On Constant Time Approximation of Invariants of Bounded Degree Graphs
    Noga Alon
Title: Maintaining A Large Matching or A Small Vertex Cover[slide]
    Ronitt Rubinfeld
Title: External Sampling [slide]
   Krzysztof Onak
12:00-14:00LunchWenjin Hotel
14:00-15:30Session 6
Chair: Noga Alon
Title: Sublinear Graph Approximation Algorithms [slide]
    Krzysztof Onak
Room 1-315, FIT Building
Title: Local Monotonicity Reconstruction [slide]
    Michael Saks 
Title: Testing Properties of Distributions: A Survey [slide]
    Ronitt Rubinfeld
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-17:00Panel 2 On the Connection of Property Testing to Coding Theory, Combinatorics, and Statistics
    Madhu Sudan, Noga Alon, Ronitt Rubinfeld
18:00-20:00DinnerWenjin Hotel

Sunday January 10, 2010
09:00-10:15Session 7
Chair: Ronitt Rubinfeld
Title: Composition of Low-error 2-query PCPs Using Decodable PCPs[slide]
    Prahladh Harsha
Room 1-315, FIT Building
Title: A Hypergraph Dictatorship Test with Perfect Completeness[slide]
    Victor Chen
Title: Comparing the Strength of Query Types in Property Testing [slide]
    Michael Krivelevich
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:00Session 8
Chair: Michael Krivelevich
Title: Some Recent Results on Testing of Sparse Linear Codes [slide]
    Shubhangi Saraf
Title: Optimal Testing of Reed-Muller Codes [slide]
    Swastik Kopparty
12:00-14:00LunchWenjin Hotel
14:00-15:30Session 9
Chair: Madhu Sudan
Title: Limiting the Rate of Locally Testable Codes [slide]
    Eli Ben-Sasson
Room 1-315, FIT Building
Title: Symmetric LDPC Codes and Local Testing
    Tali Kaufman
Title: Testing Monotone Continuous Distributions on High-dimensional Real Cubes [slide]
    Artur Czumaj
Title: The Query Complexity of Edit Distance [slide]
    Krzysztof Onak
Title: Testing and Reconstruction of Lipschitz Functions with Applications to Privacy
   Sofya Raskhodnikova
Title: Algorithmic Aspects of Property Testing in the Dense Graphs Model
    Oded Goldreich
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-17:00Panel 3 On Decoding in the Low-error Regime
    Prahladh Harsha
On Algorithmic vs Complexity Theoretic Aspects
    Oded Goldreich
18:00-20:00DinnerWenjin Hotel